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8 Best Ways to Get More Property Management Leads
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8 Best Ways to Get More Property Management Leads

Wondering how to get more property management clients? Lead generation is the key to a successful property management career. Therefore, learning how to generate property management leads is very important for every property manager. Most people rely on traditional marketing strategies to get property management clients. However, this is only useful if potential customers can be converted into new leads.

A proper lead generation method ensures that money and time are not wasted attracting the wrong audience. Instead, it allows property managers to focus on potential customers that are likely to be interested in the services offered. Lead generation consists of several steps, with the number of prospects shrinking with every step.

If you need some new ideas on how to grow your business, here are 8 property management lead gen strategies to consider:

1. Create a Professional Website

Your website is the first impression many prospects will have of your business. This is why it is important to have a well designed and professional site that will make rental property owners and potential tenants want to stay and browse. Make sure all the information and images are displayed in a concise and clear way.

To make it easier for property management leads to find your site, be sure to optimize it for search engines. Use rich keywords related to your geographic location and property management. For instance, if you are in Georgia, you could use a key phrase such as ‘Experienced property manager in Georgia’ or ‘Best property management company in Georgia’.

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2. Offer Relevant and Quality Content

Your website should offer quality and relevant information that property management leads would find useful. This could be in the form of blog posts, infographics or other resources that address specific questions they might have. Besides boosting your search engine rankings, such information also positions you as an expert in the industry, thus generating more leads. In addition, you could consider building an email list and sending out monthly or weekly newsletters. This will help keep your business on the minds of potential property management clients.

Besides writing for your blog, consider contributing guest posts to other authoritative blogs in your industry. Getting featured on such sites will attract traffic to your own blog and build your reputation as an authority in the industry. This is likely to result in numerous leads for your investment property management business.

3. Build an Online Presence

Besides having a website, you should also build a strong online presence to attract property management leads. Get your business listed on online directories that are relevant to your industry. Use social media networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to promote your business and network with potential customers. In addition, you could post videos highlighting your management services on YouTube. The stronger your online presence, the easier it will be for tenants and real estate investors to locate you.

Related: What Are the Internet Business Opportunities in Real Estate Investing? 

4. Actively Network

Strong communication skills are among the many property management skills you need to succeed. With this skill comes another great way of generating property management leads: expanding your network. There are numerous property management forums, associations, and groups online. Joining such groups and communicating with others allows you to keep abreast with industry developments, as well as participate in conversations with other professionals. You can also network offline by participating or volunteering in local events. This is a great strategy for connecting with your local community and generating word of mouth referrals to give your property management career a boost.

5. Leverage Paid Property Management Marketing

Besides optimizing your website and using social media, you should also consider using paid marketing tactics to enhance your exposure and reach. This could be anything from advertising in a local newspaper and sponsoring a local event, to distributing brochures, using Google Adwords and paid Facebook adverts. To generate more property management leads, make sure your ads capture the pain points of your potential customers. Use copy and images to show how you can offer value and simplify their lives. Don’t forget to include a call to action that will prompt them to interact with your business.

6. Use Cloud Property Management Software

Cloud property software allows property managers to streamline and automate processes such as obtaining and storing property ownership data. Since this software reduces the workload, you can then focus your time and energy on generating property management leads. Try out Mashboard if you’re looking to find out who owns a rental property in your area. In addition, using up-to-date technology and modern tools shows potential customers that you are professional, organized, and innovative. This builds trust and enhances the chances of converting prospects into leads.

Related: 7 Best Property Management Tools for 2019

7. Use a Referral Program

A recent research by Nielsen revealed that 83% of people trust recommendations from family and friends. Therefore, referral programs can be a very effective tool for attracting new property management leads.

You could create a realtor referral program where local realtors provide you with rental property owners’ information. In return, they get a commission for every customer they refer to you.

A client referral program will help you generate leads from your existing customers. Incentives for referrers could be in the form of gift cards, credit or cash backs on their accounts. Alternatively, you could offer existing customers a free month of management services. Don’t forget to include family and friends in your referral programs.

8. Get Interviewed

Look for opportunities to get interviewed on popular radio and TV shows, Facebook live streams or a real estate podcast. This will give you great exposure and boost your credibility as a property manager. When people see your expertise in the field and that you have access to the right tools, like an Airbnb calculator, trust levels will rise and you enhance your chances of attracting property management leads.

A Few Final Tips

Other strategies you could use to generate property management leads include hosting webinars, vehicle branding, starting a podcast, direct mailing, affiliate marketing, and cold calling. However, you need to realize that most leads will not respond the first time you contact them. Following up with the leads constantly will enhance the chances of converting them into customers. This could be through phone calls or email.

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Charles Mburugu

Charles Mburugu is a HubSpot-certified content writer/marketer for B2B, B2C and SaaS companies. He loves writing on topics that help real estate investors and agents make better choices.

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