Blog Investing PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing: A Review for Airbnb Investors
PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing: A 2022 Review for Airbnb Investors
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PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing: A Review for Airbnb Investors

Dynamic pricing systems can help maximize your Airbnb income. This PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing review can help you decide which platform is best.

As short term rental investors, you need to know how to set your Airbnb pricing correctly to ensure that your property can attract guests and, at the same time, maximize your earnings. Short term rentals are seasonal businesses, so this is something to consider with your Airbnb daily rate. It is the best way to maximize your income and occupancy rate.

Table of Contents

  1. PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing: A Quick Overview 
  2. PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing: Pricing Plans and Payment Options 
  3. PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing: Features & Services
  4. PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing: Customer Support
  5. PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing: Which Is Better?

You can set higher prices for your Airbnb property during peak seasons when there is greater demand for vacation rentals. In contrast, you should adjust your rental estimate accordingly during off-peak seasons when the demand is low. While the idea may seem simple, manually setting your short term rental rates is more challenging than it looks.

In fact, adjusting your Airbnb rates depending on the demand and the season can be tedious and time-consuming. This is why many Airbnb investors prefer to automate the pricing of their vacation rentals for greater efficiency. To accomplish this, you need to use an Airbnb dynamic pricing tool. 

Two of the most popular dynamic pricing tools are PriceLabs and Beyond Pricing. Both tools provide essential information for vacation rental investors, including rates, market insights, seasonality, and more. But how will you know which one between PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing is right for your business?

Let’s look at each platform’s features, cost, customer support, and whom they are best for to help you decide which is best for you.

PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing: A Quick Overview

Before we go further, here is a quick glance at what each platform has to offer: 

  PriceLabs Beyond Pricing
Free Trial 30 days (no credit card required) 30 days
Pricing Plans Three plans are available:
  • Portfolio Analytics: $0/month
  • Market Dashboards: Starts at $9.99 per month
  • Dynamic Pricing: Starts at $19.99 per listing per month
Three plans are available:
  • Insights: Free
  • Insights and Dynamic Pricing: 1% of bookings made per month or 1.49% of income charged the day the guests check in
  • Revenue Management Platform: Custom pricing, users need to contact Beyond Pricing for customized plans
Features, Products, and Services
  • Dynamic Pricing
  • Portfolio Analytics
  • Market Dashboard
  • Dynamic Pricing API
  • Integrations
  • Dynamic pricing
  • Insights
  • Signal
  • Relay
  • Guidance
Customer Support Online (email and live chat), video tutorials Online (email and live chat), video tutorials, knowledge-based
Best for
  • Airbnb Hosts
  • VRBO Hosts
  • Owners of RV Parks
  • Owners of Villas and Chalets
  • Owners of Mid-Term Rentals
  • Apart Hotel and Serviced Apartments Owners
  • Property Managers
  • Real Estate Investors
  • Hosts
  • Property Managers
  • Prospective Investors 
  • Current investors with small to large portfolios
  • Rental property owners who want to build their booking website

PriceLabs aims to help investors increase their revenue and occupancy with its intuitive pricing tools. Its system uses algorithms to identify local events and market trends to account for the seasonality of short term rentals. It recommends prices based on supply and demand to maximize your income-earning potential for both Airbnb and VRBO listings.

Similarly, Beyond Pricing is a revenue management tool that aims to help you maximize your returns. It connects seamlessly with Airbnb, VRBO, and platforms. Aside from providing smart pricing recommendations and market insights, Beyond Pricing offers a property management solution that helps you build your direct booking website. 

Which Airbnb Pricing Platform Is Right for You?

It’s worth noting that both PriceLabs and Beyond Pricing platforms offer a 30-day free trial. This lets you try how their services work and see if they have the features you need to grow your investment. Based on the quick overview table above, while the two platforms have similarities, each offers unique features that your business may find valuable.

If you are unsure which Airbnb automated pricing platform to choose, the following in-depth PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing comparison will help you understand what each platform offers. It will let you decide which tool will work best for your vacation rental investment based on your unique needs, personal preferences, and other factors like budget and features.

PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing: Pricing Plans and Payment Options

PriceLabs offers three different pricing plans, depending on the services you need. Beyond Pricing also has three plans to choose from, but its fee is usually a flat-rate percentage of your bookings, depending on your selected plan. It’s important to mention that each platform provides a free plan with limited features.

The better pricing model between PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing will depend on your revenue, the number of property listings, and the tools you need to access.

PriceLabs: Pricing Plans

PriceLabs comes with a 30-day free trial period—no commitment is required as you won’t need to enter your credit card information. Its pricing setup charges fees based on the tool you want to access. It offers volume discounts for its dynamic pricing feature, which means that the more listings you have, the less you would have to pay per property per month. 

After the 30-day free trial period, you can choose from its three pricing plans depending on the features you need. The rates are as follows:

1. Portfolio Analytics: $0

Portfolio Analytics is a free plan that helps you analyze your booking patterns—all you need to do is add your listings. It offers a real-time reporting system that includes essential Airbnb data, such as monthly revenue and length of stay, to help you make informed business decisions. 

It also shows listing level performance and metrics so you can make the right decisions when setting up a rate strategy. Overall, portfolio analytics can help improve your profitability if you know how to make a proper evaluation from the provided short term rental data. This tool is best paired with Market Dashboards so you can compare your performance against the market.

2. Market Dashboards: Starts at $9.99 per Month

The Market Dashboards are fully automated personalized dashboards that offer concise insights into current market trends. It provides a market overview, including the number of listings in the area, overall booking trends, and a summary of various metrics. With this tool, you can easily compare your performance against the competition using a comprehensive rental analysis.

It also provides the possible trends in your area, including future occupancy, peak demand dates, competitor pricing, and day-of-week trends. Other insights included in the report are lengths of stay, lead time, amenities, policies, and Airbnb fees. Access to Market Dashboards allows you to analyze markets and properties for investment potential.

3. Dynamic Pricing: Starts at $19.99 per Listing per Month

PriceLabs’ Dynamic Pricing plan provides automated rate updates based on market data and your listing performance. Simply connect your properties to the platform from Airbnb, VRBO, or your PMS. The system will then analyze each listing and recommend Airbnb daily rates based on several factors, including the following:

  • Base price
  • Seasonality
  • Day-of-week trends
  • Lead time adjustments
  • Holiday and event pricing adjustments

The platform allows you to control the algorithm and customize the pricing based on your property’s performance and preferred strategy. You have complete control of your short term rental rates by setting the following configurations:

  • Minimum prices
  • Last-minute adjustments
  • Orphan-day prices, which apply to smaller gaps in your calendar
  • Day-of-week pricing
  • Occupancy-based adjustments

Additionally, the tool also optimizes each listing’s availability based on factors like:

  • Weekend and weekday minimum stay restrictions: Usually, extended stays are required during weekends and long holidays compared to weekdays or work days.
  • Last-minute stays: Decreasing the minimum stay requirements for upcoming days will minimize the risk of vacancies.
  • Far-out stays: Increasing minimum stay requirements for further dates makes your listing available for more extended bookings.
  • Orphan gap fillers: Automatically makes all gaps available for booking.
Dynamic Pricing Volume Discounts

Keep in mind that the Dynamic Pricing plan charges a fee on a per-listing per-month basis. You will get discounts for volume listings. Check out the pricing setup below:

Number of Listings Fee Per Listing Per Month
1 $19.99
2 to 5 $14.99 per listing for the second to fifth listings
6 to 15 $10.99 per listing for the sixth to 15th listings
16 to 30 $6.99 per listing for the 16th to 30th listings
31 to 100 $4.99 per listing for the 31st to 100th listings
101 to 1000 $4.49 per listing for the 101st to 1000th listings
over 1000 Custom pricing

Beyond Pricing: Pricing Plans

Beyond Pricing also offers a 30-day free trial period. After the trial, by default, Beyond Pricing will charge 1% of bookings made during a month-long period. The platform applies the charges on the day of the month you signed up.

Beyond Pricing offers three different pricing plans based on the features you want to access:

1. Insights: Free

Insights is a feature offered to users for free. With this tool, you will get an idea of what is happening with the short term rental market and how your portfolio stacks up against the competition. You will have real-time access to dashboard analytics and see listing comparisons to historical performance, short term rental data, and current pacing.

You will also have access to competitor and market insights and build your own comparable listing sets to understand better how your listings fare. This plan best suits Airbnb hosts, property managers, and new investors.

2. Insights and Dynamic Pricing: 1% or 1.49%

This plan lets you enjoy all of the benefits of the Insights feature and access daily dynamic pricing for your short term rental properties. With the dynamic pricing tool powered by machine-trained algorithms, you can maximize the revenue from all your listings. This plan is best for Airbnb hosts and property managers with fewer than ten listings.

This plan gives you access to the following:

  • Automated dynamic pricing based on market demand
  • Algorithm managed by an expert revenue management team
  • Customize your pricing with Gap Fills, Seasonal Discounts, Last Minute Discounts, and more
  • Add unlimited listings
  • Add unlimited users
  • Customer support access through unlimited chat and email 

To access this plan, you have two payment options:

Pay on Book: 1%

The Pay on Book tier is the default payment option after the free trial. You get a 1% charge for all bookings when reservations are made. The platform implements these charges on the day of the month you signed up. Beyond Pricing will refund the 1% fee when a reservation is canceled or changed.

Pay on Stay: 1.49%

If you choose the Pay on Stay plan, the platform charges a 1.49% fee when the guest checks in. This payment option is best if you want to be charged only when the stay occurs. With this option, you won’t have to worry about refunds with canceled reservations and booking changes. 

Beyond Pricing allows you to switch between Pay on Book and Pay on Stay anytime. All you need to do is go to the Payment Methods tab to update your account. Note that your chosen payment method will apply to all Beyond products you subscribe to.

3. Revenue Management Platform: Custom Pricing

This plan provides access to a complete revenue management platform and skilled revenue and success managers. It comes with a suite of revenue management tools to help users maximize profitability. This feature is best for property managers and investors who manage or own more than ten listings.

Aside from the features that you get from Insights, you will also have access to the following services:

  • Bulk upload and mass management features 
  • Channel management tool 
  • Your own direct booking engine and website 
  • Dedicated support from experts
  • One-on-one consultations
  • Historical data and portfolio analysis performed by revenue managers

PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing: Features & Services

When choosing between PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing, it’s equally important to understand each platform’s services and features. You should also analyze your unique business needs to determine which tool and services will work best for you. In this section, we will discuss the features, products, and services provided by each short term rental pricing software.

PriceLabs Features

Let’s go over PriceLabs’ features first. 


PriceLabs prides itself on being integrated with the major vacation rental channels, including Airbnb, VRBO, Houfy, and WeChallet. It also integrates over 90 other PMS platforms and Airbnb channel managers, such as the following:

  • Apaleo
  • Avantio
  • Better Hotel by Mevris
  • Bookerville
  • BookingSync
  • Eviivo
  • Guesty for Hosts
  • Hospitable
  • HostAway
  • HostHub

If your PMS is not on their list, you can fill out their form, and PriceLabs will reach out to your PMS for potential integration.


You can join PriceLabs’ interactive training sessions to help you set up your listings on the platform. It also offers webinars that teach you advanced pricing strategies and how to identify and react to booking trends, understand market dashboards, interpret portfolio analytics, and more.

Booking Analyzer

The booking analyzer can help you analyze various metrics for your business. It includes essential market information such as the number of days booked, revenue, and average price. This feature helps you understand your short term rental’s performance.

PriceLabs Services

As a rental property platform, PriceLabs has the following services to offer: 

Dynamic Pricing

PriceLabs offers automated dynamic pricing based on seasonality, market trends, holiday pricing adjustments, demands, and other factors.

Market Insights

PriceLabs also provides the necessary Airbnb dataset and market trends to help investors make informed decisions, including setting reasonable prices and stay restrictions.

Portfolio Analytics

This is a real-time reporting system that shows crucial key performance indicators of your portfolio, including revenue, occupancy rate, and reservations. It can also help property hosts and managers set market-appropriate rates based on the metrics mentioned.

Beyond Pricing Features

Now let’s take a look at what makes Beyond Pricing attractive to users.


Beyond Pricing is integrated with Airbnb,, and VRBO, as well as over 30 PMS channels, including: 

  • BookingSync
  • Escapia
  • FantasticStay
  • Guesty PMS
  • HostAway
  • Hostify
  • Hostfully
  • iGMS
  • Kigo
  • Lodgix
  • Smoobu (you can check out Smoobu reviews)
  • Beds24

Beyond Pricing continues to grow its network by adding more PMS channels as partners. Like PriceLabs, you can also request integration if your PMS is not on its list.

Webinars and Guides

The Beyond Pricing platform includes downloadable ebook guides to help you improve your Airbnb investments and maximize profits. It also offers webinars about short-term rental trends, dynamic pricing tips, revenue management, and more.

Beyond Pricing Services

The following are the services Beyond Pricing offers its users:

Dynamic Pricing

Beyond Pricing offers dynamic and demand-driven pricing that automatically adjusts to maximize revenues and drive occupancy. It uses a dynamic pricing algorithm that positions your properties for booking opportunities at the best price at the right time. 

It considers several factors when setting the price, such as: 

  • local demand
  • seasonality
  • day of the week


This channel management service helps prevent double bookings by easily syncing your listings across various platforms, including Airbnb, VRBO, and It automatically syncs dynamic prices, property availability, and reservations between your PMS platforms and channels.


This service makes Beyond Pricing unique from most other Airbnb pricing platforms. It offers a vacation rental website builder and direct booking engine so you can save on Airbnb costs and keep more of what guests pay. You can also ask your repeat guests to book directly through your website and remove expensive intermediary fees.

This service also optimizes your booking website so that travelers can find your website easily. The website that Beyond Pricing helps to build is generally easy-to-maintain with self-service updates, customer support, and PMS integrations.

Market Insights

Find out how your listings perform compared to other short term rentals in your area, identify trends, and know important issues that can affect your profitability. Beyond Pricing offers market insights, as well as data and analytics about rental comps, to help you stay ahead of growing demand and competition.


This is a revenue management service provided by the experts at Beyond Pricing. It can help you boost your revenue strategy and help you use the platform to your advantage. You can get help with professional pricing strategies, individual listing reviews, distribution, and more to maximize your ROI.

PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing: Customer Support

Comparing Beyond Pricing vs PriceLabs in terms of customer support, you will find that both platforms’ options are almost similar. The best way to contact customer support for both platforms is through email or a 24/7 live chat. It’s also worth noting that PriceLabs and Beyond Pricing’s customer service teams do not offer support over the phone.

PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing: Which Is Better?

Both PriceLabs and Beyond Pricing are excellent automated pricing tools that can help you improve occupancy and maximize your vacation rental profits. When choosing the better platform for your Airbnb business model, it’s important to consider several factors, such as the pricing structure and features, where these platforms primarily differ.

Please note that Beyond Pricing charges a flat fee ( 1% or 1.49%) from your revenue. Keep in mind that the percentage will cover the entire amount your guests pay, including cleaning and additional guest fees. While the rates are reasonable, these fees will significantly affect your revenue if you have several property listings and get many bookings. 

On the other hand, PriceLabs charges fees based on the number of listings you add to the platform. Note that these are on a per-listing per-month basis, which may be substantial if you own a lot of listings. For larger investment companies, the pricing structure of PriceLabs allows you to get volume discounts, but it may still come off pricey since you’re charged per listing.

It’s also crucial to look into the features offered by each platform and decide which services and features you will need. While both platforms offer several training options in webinars, online live training, ebooks, and blogs, there’s a major difference in the types of services both provide. This is a legitimate concern in the PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing discussion you must consider. 

For instance, if you prefer to have your own booking website, Beyond Pricing may be a better option. It also automatically syncs bookings and reservations across channels and provides personalized help from a team of revenue management experts. But if you want a simple platform that focuses on market insights, analytics, and smart pricing, consider PriceLabs.

You can also check out a comparison between PriceLabs vs Wheelhouse, another dynamic pricing tool for Airbnbs.

When to Consider Another Option?

While both PriceLabs and Beyond Pricing are great platforms for automating the nightly rates of your Airbnb rental, they don’t offer a feature for searching for a property for sale. These platforms are only good if you need something to manage your current portfolio. However, they may not be as valuable if you need to build your portfolio and buy more investment properties. 

Consider another platform if you:

  • Want to build your portfolio: The best real estate analytics platform for managing your rentals and optimizing your Airbnb pricing strategy allows you to grow your portfolio. If you plan to build your portfolio over time, a real estate software that lets you search for properties for sale is the best option.
  • Are interested in another investment strategy: Other than short term rentals, you also have the option to invest in long term rentals to diversify your portfolio. The best real estate software provides in-depth insights into both short term and long term rental strategies, allowing you to compare what option is best for a particular market.

What’s the Best Alternative to PriceLabs and Beyond Pricing?

If you’re looking for the best alternative to Beyond Pricing and PriceLabs, Mashvisor has got you covered. Mashvisor is an all-in-one real estate analytics platform that provides various real estate tools to help you maximize your income and grow your portfolio. With Mashvisor, you’ll have access to comprehensive real estate data and analysis.

The real estate analytics that Mashvisor provides can help you make the right investment choices based on accurate information. With access to Airbnb data analysis and interactive investment property management tools, real estate investors can better understand real estate markets nationwide. This helps optimize their rental income strategies.

Here are a few of the essential features that you can access with Mashvisor:

1. Property Search

When we compared PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing, we learned that both platforms don’t allow you to search for listings for sale. This is where Mashvisor differs. Mashvisor provides a property search tool that lets you find the best investment property in your chosen market. You only need to input your preferred city or neighborhood in the search box.

Mashvisor’s Property Finder shows you available investment properties alongside short and long-term rental listings in any given market. This gives Mashvisor the upper hand on the PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing vs Mashvisor comparisons.

2. Real Estate Data and Analysis

Once you find a property that interests you, you can see an in-depth analysis of the property to decide whether or not it would make a good investment. Mashvisor provides accurate and real-time real estate data. You will find the property’s profitability potential based on metrics like cap rate, cash on cash return, estimated income, occupancy rate, cash flow, and more.

3. Investment Property Calculator

One of the best tools Mashvisor provides is its interactive real estate ROI calculator that analyzes the property’s income potential. It also works as an Airbnb calculator that provides all the necessary information, like the monthly income and expected expenses. What’s nice about this tool is that you can customize your expenses and add your mortgage data, leading to more accurate results.

4. Long Term and Short Term Rental Analyses

Another thing that makes Mashvisor unique is that it doesn’t only provide insights for short term rentals. You can also access the necessary information for a long term rental strategy. You will see a side-by-side analysis of both approaches, making it easier to determine which rental strategy is the best for a particular investment property. 

5. Market Finder

Market Finder is a feature that allows you to find the best rental market for your chosen investment strategy. This tool lets you see a bird’s eye view of the entire US market using the Heatmap. You can set your preferred filter to generate results that match the criteria you want, making it easier to locate the best short term rental markets for Airbnb investing.

6. Dynamic Pricing

Of course, Mashvisor also offers a dynamic pricing feature that helps you set the perfect nightly rates for your short term rentals. Dynamic Pricing lets you quickly and conveniently synchronize your vacation rental rates directly to the Airbnb platform. Mashvisor recommends the best rates based on several factors, including the following:

  • Market demand
  • Seasonality
  • Local events and holidays
  • Booking history

Here are a few things that you can do with Mashvisor’s Dynamic Pricing:

  • Access Market Insights: Mashvisor provides a better picture of the current market condition and trends through its comprehensive market insights. By comparing similar rentals in the area and checking how they perform, you can better position your property to stay ahead of the competition.
  • Access Smart Pricing Calendar: The smart pricing calendar automates your Airbnb pricing using AI-powered technology and machine-learning algorithms based on the factors mentioned above. This process makes it easier for you to adjust your nightly rates based on the market conditions.
  • Configure the Settings: Despite the automation, you still have full control over your income. You can configure your base price, minimum and maximum prices, as well as your booking settings and availability, giving you complete control of your investment.

Do you want to see how Mashvisor’s Dynamic Pricing works? Schedule a Dynamic Pricing demo today to learn more.

Bottom Line

When choosing between PriceLabs vs Beyond Pricing, it’s essential to compare both platforms meticulously to ensure that you understand what each can and can’t do. Both platforms help you price your Airbnb nightly rates based on the seasonality of the short term rental market. Each one offers varied pricing setups, so this is something that you need to consider, too.

When it comes to features and services, Beyond Pricing offers more compared to PriceLabs. Beyond Pricing is known for its website-building service, which is best for property managers and short term rental investors who want to have their own booking sites. Note, however, that Beyond Pricing charges fees as a percentage of your revenues.

On the other hand, PriceLabs offers more straightforward products. The platform is more focused on providing market insights and dynamic pricing recommendations. However, it can be more expensive if you own more listings because it charges monthly fees per listing. Although it offers volume discounts, the overall costs may still be too much.

The best alternative for both platforms is Mashvisor. With Mashvisor’s in-depth rental property analysis, you will understand the potential of a property when used as an Airbnb rental and as a long term rental. What’s more, you can directly search for properties for sale on the platform, making it an ideal option if you want to build and grow your portfolio.

Begin your profitable real estate investment with Mashvisor. Sign up for a 7-day free trial now, followed by 15% off for life.

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Amanda Rodriguez

Amanda is passionate about everything real estate and takes pride in her ability to help investors navigate the market with detailed and comprehensive guides.

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