Blog Investing 10 Real Estate Marketing Ideas You Should Consider
10 Real Estate Marketing Ideas You Should Consider
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10 Real Estate Marketing Ideas You Should Consider

Making it in the world of real estate often depends on the way in which you approach the issue of marketing. You see, having the best property in the neighborhood doesn’t mean much if all of your potential customers already buy properties from other agencies by the time they learn of your existence. This is especially likely to happen if the area is too competitive. With the help of great real estate marketing, this is not likely to happen. So here are the top ten real estate marketing ideas that you should definitely consider.

1. Make an Outstanding Website

Your website needs to be the starting point from which you grow your online influence. Think about it, regardless of which digital marketing method you choose to go with (and there will be quite a few of them on this list), your efforts will both start and end with your website. Regardless of whether you go for link building or just promote your business via social media, all of these links will lead back to your website. So, if it’s poorly optimized, non-responsive or non-supportive, you’ll have a major problem with the way in which you’re perceived by your audience.

2. Leverage Influencer Marketing

The next thing you need to understand is the fact that like with any other major investment, there is the issue of trust in the real estate market and by finding who people trust, you can gain one of the most effective marketing tools out there. Here, you might want to focus on micro-influencers, usually with people who specialize in real estate or, at least, interior decoration. This way, you get more qualified leads for a smaller investment (due to the fact that influencers are often paid according to their reach). In other words, you get a better ROI.

3. Complimentary Moving Truck

While buying real estate is a major decision that no one makes lightly, you would be surprised at just how close some people come before deciding to bail on a deal. Sometimes, all it takes to convince them is that one extra feature that you include. One of the ideas you should consider is including a complimentary moving truck in the deal. Of course, this won’t be able to persuade those who are not happy with your offer. However, those who are still on the fence may be persuaded by this.

4. Participating in Community Events

Handing out flyers during community events is incredibly effective for one simple reason – people are always more comfortable with buying local real estate. Think about it, if they’re buying a rental property, it will be easier for them to manage it if they’re not halfway across the country. If, on the other hand, they’re buying a home to move to, this will provide them with less of a change to their lifestyle. Of course, flyers aren’t the only format of promotional printing that you can use, seeing as how merchandise like mugs, water bottles, and even balloons can be just as effective.

5. Optimizing Your Facebook Page

Previously, we’ve talked about the importance of making an outstanding website. However, this is not where the optimization of your online image ends. Keep in mind that a lot of people use their Facebook profile as an alternative search engine, so don’t be surprised if they look you up on this network as well. With that in mind, optimizing your Facebook page is definitely one of the first things you need to do.

Related: Online Lead Generation for Agents: 7 Ways to Beat the Competition

6. Use Instagram Stories

This is a major trend in the marketing world and it’s just ideal for the real estate industry due to the fact that it gives one a chance for a blitz-tour of the place. Needless to say, this can be just enough to intrigue one into looking you up some more. Also, keep in mind that Instagram Story has a number of amazing features that you could use to your benefit.

7. Create a Reliable Blog

One more thing you need to understand is the fact that there are so many questions that your potential clients will never ask you and the FAQ page usually doesn’t explain things in-depth. This is what a reliable blog is there for. Make sure to go one topic at a time and cover all the issues that your audience might be interested in. By providing them with a specialized resource, you might make it more easy for them to make up their minds.

8. Google Ads Can Make a Difference

The next thing you need to consider is paid digital marketing in the form of Google Ads in order to get to the very top of the industry. Needless to say, the idea that you can make a great digital marketing campaign completely free of charge is one of the most ridiculous myths in the business world. This is a simple method for improving your website’s traffic but it definitely shouldn’t be used as a standalone solution. This leads to our next piece of advice…

9. Invest in SEO

Other than going for paid ads, you might also want to invest some effort into improving your organic reach. You see, the green ‘ad’ icon might make some people reluctant to click, due to the fact that they may assume that you’re just buying your way to the top of the list instead of getting there by being reliable and trustworthy. However, if you also make an effort to get to the top through your on-site optimization and the quality of your content, you can easily turn this perception the right way around.

10. Virtual Open Houses

Finally, you need to utilize the latest technology to your advantage and one of the ways of doing so is by hosting virtual open house tours. The main reason why a lot of people don’t go to visit every home they like in person is due to the fact that it’s expensive (gas-wise) and time-consuming. What this does is allows your potential customers to see the place for themselves by using a virtual reality device which is both simpler and more frugal.

The very last thing you need to take into consideration is your marketing budget. While all of these ideas are amazing on their own, you might not be able to fully commit to every single one of them. This will either force you to opt for frugal alternatives or, at the very least, make some priorities. For those who can afford them, however, going all out in your marketing is the right way to go.

This article has been contributed by Diana Smith. 

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Diana Smith

Diana Smith is a full-time mom of two beautiful girls simply in love with home remodeling and the latest DIY projects. In her free time, she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.

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