Sunset Beach Investment Analysis

Investment Property in Sunset Beach, NC

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Sunset Beach, NC Real Estate Investment Performance


$ 501,450















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Investment Properties for Sale in Sunset Beach, NC

Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100456892
Sunset Beach
Single Family Residential
4 beds 2 baths 1,739 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 5.86% Airbnb 9.52%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 727130
Sunset Beach
Single Family Residential
4 beds 2 baths 1,765 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 3.54% Airbnb 8.70%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100454162
Sunset Beach
Single Family Residential
5 beds 3 baths 2,379 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 3.60% Airbnb 8.60%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 725449
Sunset Beach
Single Family Residential
4 beds 3 baths 2,824 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 4.56% Airbnb 7.62%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100464444
Sunset Beach
Single Family Residential
3 beds 4 baths 1,012 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 7.19% Airbnb 7.65%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100443662
Sunset Beach
Manufactured Home
2 beds 2 baths 720 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 7.47% Airbnb 7.53%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100460744
Sunset Beach
Single Family Residential
3 beds 2 baths 1,456 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 4.81% Airbnb 6.16%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100398661
Sunset Beach
Single Family Residential
4 beds 4 baths 2,466 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 4.35% Airbnb 6.02%

Single Family Houses for Sale in Sunset Beach, NC

Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100456892
Sunset Beach
Single Family Residential
4 beds 2 baths 1,739 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 5.86% Airbnb 9.52%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 727130
Sunset Beach
Single Family Residential
4 beds 2 baths 1,765 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 3.54% Airbnb 8.70%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100454162
Sunset Beach
Single Family Residential
5 beds 3 baths 2,379 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 3.60% Airbnb 8.60%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 725449
Sunset Beach
Single Family Residential
4 beds 3 baths 2,824 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 4.56% Airbnb 7.62%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100464444
Sunset Beach
Single Family Residential
3 beds 4 baths 1,012 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 7.19% Airbnb 7.65%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100460744
Sunset Beach
Single Family Residential
3 beds 2 baths 1,456 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 4.81% Airbnb 6.16%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100398661
Sunset Beach
Single Family Residential
4 beds 4 baths 2,466 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 4.35% Airbnb 6.02%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100455079
Sunset Beach
Single Family Residential
3 beds 2 baths 1,609 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 4.83% Airbnb 5.65%

Condos for Sale in Sunset Beach, NC

Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100448532
Sunset Beach
3 beds 2 baths 1,601 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 4.37% Airbnb 4.59%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100438811
Sunset Beach
3 beds 2 baths 1,354 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 2.52% Airbnb 4.50%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100452294
Sunset Beach
3 beds 2 baths 1,335 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 3.46% Airbnb 4.26%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100458042
Sunset Beach
3 beds 2 baths 1,335 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 3.39% Airbnb 4.15%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100459292
Sunset Beach
3 beds 2 baths 1,435 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 3.13% Airbnb 3.65%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100454123
Sunset Beach
2 beds 2 baths 861 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 3.34% Airbnb 3.44%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100464418
Sunset Beach
2 beds 2 baths 876 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 3.11% Airbnb 3.00%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100416521
Sunset Beach
2 beds 2 baths 1,148 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 2.62% Airbnb 2.64%

Townhouses for Sale in Sunset Beach, NC

Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100456197
Sunset Beach
4 beds 4 baths 2,006 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 3.27% Airbnb 5.35%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100457987
Sunset Beach
4 beds 4 baths 2,582 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 2.83% Airbnb 4.16%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100452984
Sunset Beach
3 beds 4 baths 1,815 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 3.30% Airbnb 3.01%
Investment Properties for Sale
MLS 100455613
Sunset Beach
2 beds 3 baths 1,224 sq.ft.
CAP RATE Trad. 3.68% Airbnb 2.33%

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Airbnb Vacation Rentals in Sunset Beach, NC

Effy's Sunset Serenity Hideaway
$117 per night Airbnb occupancy rate 58%
Condominium 1 · 1 · 4
Rental Income: $2,057 per month
Mini Suite on golf course - 3 minutes from beach
$75 per night Airbnb occupancy rate 69%
Guest suite 1 · 1 · 4
Rental Income: $1,569 per month
"Shoreline Serenity" on Intracoastal Waterway
$132 per night Airbnb occupancy rate 77%
House 3 · 2 · 6
Rental Income: $3,080 per month
Condo-Tel a tiny space in Sunset Beach
$68 per night Airbnb occupancy rate 75%
Condominium 1 · 1 · 2
Rental Income: $1,558 per month
"Tee and Sea"
$58 per night Airbnb occupancy rate 83%
Guest suite 1 · 1 · 4
Rental Income: $1,465 per month
Fun & Sun Villa by Sunset Beach
$161 per night Airbnb occupancy rate 69%
Condominium 1 · 1 · 4
Rental Income: $3,368 per month
The Perfect Beach Getaway + EV Charging Station
$229 per night Airbnb occupancy rate 77%
House 3 · 2 · 8
Rental Income: $5,382 per month
Welcome to Carolyn’s Coastal Haven!
$126 per night Airbnb occupancy rate 67%
Condominium 1 · 1 · 2
Rental Income: $2,573 per month

Real Estate Investment Analysis - Other Cities in north carolina

City Name Property price Cash on cash return Rental Income No. of Properties Airbnb Occupancy Rate
Median traditional Airbnb traditional Airbnb
$399,450 4% 5% $2,192 $3,181 194 74%
$285,000 5% 5% $1,934 $2,379 219 72%
$450,000 4% 5% $2,488 $4,484 140 72%
$367,500 4% 4% $2,251 $2,594 349 70%
$423,440 4% 6% $2,383 $3,452 131 68%
$699,500 2% 4% $2,734 $3,663 168 67%
$515,076 3% 3% $2,303 $3,018 1,582 64%
$525,000 4% 3% $2,653 $2,587 103 64%
$525,000 3% 4% $2,315 $4,050 367 62%
$324,900 4% 7% $1,942 $3,524 279 61%
$355,000 4% 5% $2,134 $2,751 140 61%
$269,900 5% 5% $1,605 $2,242 382 61%
$269,900 5% 6% $1,955 $2,637 292 60%
$299,450 5% 9% $2,139 $3,613 86 59%
$650,000 2% 2% $2,960 $3,149 35 58%
$444,450 3% 4% $2,083 $3,465 46 58%
$409,820 4% 8% $2,144 $4,575 33 57%
$234,950 5% 5% $1,731 $2,402 26 55%
$369,900 3% 3% $1,650 $2,197 255 53%
$553,950 3% 2% $2,444 $3,293 118 53%
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