The success of Airbnb real estate investing depends on many factors. Some factors include Airbnb rental income, Airbnb regulations, location, and seasonality.
While all of these factors heavily influence the profitability of Airbnb rentals, we’re here today to focus on one factor: Airbnb occupancy rate. Specifically, we will discuss how investors can find Airbnb occupancy rate data for short term rental investment properties.
Related: The Ultimate Guide to Buying an Airbnb Property with Ease
What Is Airbnb Occupancy Rate?
Before we get into where you can find Airbnb occupancy rate data, let’s backtrack and talk about what this value actually represents. Airbnb occupancy rate is a rate of how often an Airbnb investment property is occupied by a tenant or guest.
The occupancy rate’s standard is measured per one year, although the rate can be altered to measure the data of one month, one week, or any desired amount of time. The higher the occupancy rate of an Airbnb investment property, the more often it receives guests, and thus the more profitable it is.
Factors Influencing Airbnb Occupancy Rate Data
There are many variables that influence the Airbnb occupancy rate. The most important ones include:
The precursor of all important influences in real estate investing trace back to the property’s location. This is the case with all Airbnb data, especially Airbnb occupancy rate data. The location of Airbnb rentals acts as its primary attractant, and thus primary influencer of occupancy rates. Be sure to invest in locations that would be attractive for Airbnb rentals, such as in areas near amusement parks or beaches.
The reviews of Airbnb rentals also significantly impact occupancy rates. Generally speaking, guests are more likely to rent out an Airbnb investment property with a lot of good reviews as opposed to one with a few good reviews. Aim for both quality and quantity when it comes to reviews.
Related: Airbnb Reviews: Top Influencers Affecting Your Occupancy Rate
This factor directly ties in with the previous one. The better you host your guests, the higher their review of your Airbnb investment property will likely be, and thus the more likely it will be occupied by future guests. Be sure to keep that in mind when hosting.
Seasons have a tremendous impact on the occupancy rate of Airbnb vacation properties. Different types of Airbnb investment properties thrive during different seasons. A property in a renowned sports city, for instance, may experience higher occupancy rates when teams in the city advance in postseasons.
A similar situation arises with beach Airbnb rentals during the summer. Be sure to understand the impact of seasonality on your Airbnb property and take full advantage of it.
Now that you are aware of what Airbnb occupancy rates are and what influences them, we can address the question: Where can you find Airbnb occupancy rate data? The answer to this question is very simple: by using an Airbnb profit calculator.
Introducing: The Airbnb Profit Calculator
What is the Airbnb profit calculator? The Airbnb profit calculator is a calculator that computes Airbnb rental data relevant to the profitability of Airbnb investment properties. As you would expect, the calculator computes Airbnb occupancy rate data, Airbnb rental income data, and Airbnb return on investment data.
These pieces of data are absolutely necessary for knowing where and how to invest in Airbnb in different areas. Airbnb occupancy rate data tells investors how often properties are occupied, Airbnb rental income data informs investors about how much income properties generate, and Airbnb ROI shows investors how profitable the property is overall.
The data provided on properties for sale can then be altered based on the user’s inputs.
How the Airbnb Profit Calculator Calculates Occupancy Rate Data
How does the Airbnb profit calculator compute Airbnb occupancy rate data? The answer might vary from one calculator to another, but generally, all calculators use information based on Airbnb’s actual listings.
The best Airbnb profit calculators, like Mashvisor’s (which you can learn about by clicking here), also implement trends based on a real estate market analysis and an investment property analysis. Doing so gives the investor an idea of performance on the property and market levels.
What Else Can an Airbnb Profit Calculator Do?
Airbnb occupancy rate data is not the only thing the best calculators compute. Mashvisor’s Airbnb profit calculator, which is a part of its overall investment property calculator, also performs a heatmap analysis and investment property analysis.
Related: Airbnb Profit Calculator: The Ultimate Real Estate Investment Tool
Heatmap Analysis
A heatmap analysis allows investors to understand both markets and properties. In terms of the wider real estate market analysis, for instance, an investor would be able to search for the best cities for Airbnb investment, find Airbnb occupancy rate of the city’s neighborhoods, and narrow down the best real estate investments in any given location.
As it pertains to individual properties, the heatmap analysis can search for properties in terms of Airbnb rental income, ROI, property type, occupancy rates, and much more.
Airbnb Investment Property Analysis
Once the investor has found a potential property for purchase, he/she can use the investment property analysis to understand and maximize the property’s earnings. The investor can use the interactive analysis to see how rental income, ROI, occupancy rates, and other factors are affected by adjusting for mortgage payments, interest, and other influencers.
The investment property analysis also tells the investor which strategy is most suitable for the given property.
How to Get Access to an Airbnb Profit Calculator
The Airbnb profit calculator is one of the most useful real estate investing tools you can find. The calculator computes Airbnb occupancy rate data, Airbnb rental income data, and Airbnb ROI data for different properties and areas. The interactive calculator can also guide investors to find the best real estate investments in a given location based on the investor’s inputs.
Mashvisor provides state of the art real estate investment tools to help you make wise investment decisions and walk you through your investment journey. Please sign up here to start analysing the investment opportunities in both short trem and long term rental industry.